October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness. Dr. Jacqueline Walters, 2x breast cancer survivor, believes if you look good, you feel good, and ultimately "You Do Good". Her way of doing good led to the 50 Shades of Pink Foundation, a 501(c) (3), national non-profit organization, established in 2013. The foundation has served over 500 breast cancer patients during their Annual Gala which highlights breast cancer warriors and supporters in a House Couture fashion show extravaganza. 


The foundation's mission is to treat the inner and outer beauty of breast cancer warriors by nurturing their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In addiiton to continuing to meet the needs of the breast cancer warrior, we have a strong attention to building a strong and positive support system. 50 Shades of Pink Foundation recognizes the entire family is affected and should be equipped to fight the battle. 


As the leaves begin to change color outside and the holiday season approaches, the month of October is also a moment when the shift of weather from summer to fall can also produce skin changes in many folks such as excess sebum production, some new dryness on the skin, and even unsightly blemishes. These are all skin concerns that are addressed by our Skin Rhythm Clearing & Balancing Serum.




Skin Rhythm's innovator, Dr. Jacqueline Walters, board-certified OBGYN and women's advocate emphasizes hormonal skin changes are 100% normal and totally treatable. Skin Rhythm Clearing & Balancing Serum is a clean formulation with powerhouse ingredients such as Salicylic Acid, Niacinamide, Azelaic + Mandelic Acids, CoQ10 to correct skin irregularity for all ages. 


During the month of October, Volition will be donating 20% of the proceeds from every sale of Dr. Jackie's new Skin Rhythm Serum sold on volitionbeauty.com to her non-profit 50 Shades of Pink Foundation.