It’s Women’s Equality Day! Nearly 100 years ago today, some American women were granted the right to vote thanks to the 19th Amendment. It’s a day to acknowledge and celebrate how far we’ve come and to encourage each other to continually break down barriers. In 1971, Congress declared August 26th Women's Equality Day and at almost 50 years later, we've achieved so much yet have a long way to go.

In an industry where it is increasingly difficult to gain a foothold, part of our mission is to help micro-entrepreneurs by giving them a platform and access to a marketplace that can enable them to create their dream product. Our goal is always to uplift and empower our community of women. As we collaborate with our innovators, we don't just walk the walk, but talk the talk. All of our innovators receive royalty share on all units sold of their product. We've always believed in sharing the profit to recognize the true partnership we have.

This statement is not only echoed throughout our brand, but internally as well. As a company founded by two women, being pro-woman is necessary. Volition's corporate office is almost entirely filled with women where both co-founders have created an open space to accept and encourage a myriad of innovative ideas, brainstorms, and creativity. 

At Volition, we know the future is female and we have the power to make it happen. On this Women's Equality Day, we want to leave you with the important reminder to always exercise your right to vote. Your voice can only be heard if you use it and take action. 

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